Las pasantías de verano en Brakebush se basan en proyectos. Los pasantes experimentan una variedad de proyectos que pueden incluir recopilación de datos, análisis, informes, entrada de datos, políticas y procedimientos, investigación de mercado y más. Al final del programa de pasantías de verano, organizamos un banquete para que los pasantes tengan la oportunidad de mostrar sus proyectos a varios líderes de Brakebush.
Nuestro programa inmersivo de pasantías de verano ofrece oportunidades para que los pasantes aprendan sobre los negocios, la cultura, las operaciones y más de Brakebush. Nuestro objetivo es que los pasantes comprendan mejor el negocio y los desafíos de su departamento asignado, y un mayor conocimiento de lo que conduce al éxito en un negocio de fabricación de alimentos.
Cómo Preparar
- Los candidatos deben estar actualmente matriculados en una escuela acreditada. Las ofertas de trabajo se realizan después de una evaluación cuidadosa de los currículums, comentarios de entrevistas y evaluaciones específicas del departamento.
- Estamos comprometidos con la mejora continua de cada pasante. A medida que avanzan en el programa con su mentor asignado, se espera que los pasantes proporcionen informes semanales, actualizaciones del proyecto y comentarios continuos sobre su experiencia de pasantía.
- Una experiencia de aprendizaje inmersiva equilibra los proyectos y la cultura Brakebush. Se incluyen oportunidades para participar en eventos de networking, reuniones de negocios, actividades de aprendizaje y desarrollo y evaluación personalizada del desempeño de ciclo completo.
Historias de éxito
Estamos orgullosos de las muchas historias que nuestros pasantes comparten sobre sus experiencias con nosotros. Desde el impacto positivo que tuvo el programa hasta las exitosas trayectorias profesionales que comenzaron aquí mismo con su pasantía!
Conectar lo que aprende en el aula con la variedad de proyectos completados durante una pasantía puede impulsar una carrera próspera.
Las pasantías han sido organizadas por una variedad de departamentos, que incluyen:
Environmental Science • Finance
Microbiology • Demand Planning
Research & Development • Utilities
Maintenance • Operations
Continuous Improvement
Food Safety & Quality Assurance
Marshal Weiglein
University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point,
Bachelor's in Finance
Supply Chain Finance Intern (June 2024-Present)
I was initially drawn to Brakebush because of their outstanding family values and their willingness to give back to the communities around them. Everyone from the top down treated me with the utmost respect and truly wanted me to achieve all of my goals and aspirations. I can't say enough positive things about Brakebush and everyone that was apart of my experience here. The opportunities have allowed me to grow and adapt to anything that comes my way.
Clay Berra
University of Wisconsin- River Falls,
Bachelor’s in Food Science & Technology
Operations Intern (2023)
Brakebush is a great company to be part of. They openly show their beliefs in faith and family, and that stood out to me. Throughout my internship, I realized how important people are. Without people there isn’t a Brakebush, and they believe that. I learned to connect with people on a deeper level and care about them and their well-being. My internship helped me with my people skills.
Liam Thompson
University of Wisconsin- Stevens Point,
Bachelor's in Environmental Science Resource Management
Environmental Science Intern (2023)
I was drawn to Brakebush because of the family values and investment in my field of study. Throughout my internship, I learned real-world applications to my profession, interdisciplinary collaboration while working on projects, and communications skills in the workplace.
Kayla Winkler
University of Wisconsin-Madison,
Bachelor's in Accounting & International Business
Accounting Intern (2021),
Staff Accountant (Dec 2021-Feb 2023),
Staff Accountant Supervisor (Feb 2023-Mar 2024)
Accounting Manager (Mar 2024-Present)
It was close to home, and the position gave me a chance to see the managerial side of accounting that I hadn’t experienced during my previous internships. The company culture is unlike any other I’ve experienced. People at all levels genuinely care about me and want to see me succeed and grow. Additionally, the company offers great benefits, especially the on-site health and wellness services.
Nick Radzinski, Director of R&D
UW-Stout, Bachelor of Science in
Food Systems and Technology
2003 Summer Internship
Over the past twenty years, I’ve grown with the company, and have developed as good of an understanding of our business and relationships as I have chicken, and today I am blessed to lead a team of twelve truly talented individuals in R&D and Culinary. I love what I do, or, as I tell anyone who will listen, I wouldn’t be here. I am still excited for work each day, and I truly appreciate the opportunities I have to mentor my team and help our company succeed. I feel like a truly valuable member of the Brakebush team, and I have the privilege of working with some awesome people. In short, the courage I had to muster up to ask for an internship has led into a rewarding lifelong career.